Monday, August 13, 2012


I am so blessed to be a ministers wife!  I am still out recovering from surgery. I went to church yesterday to support the man GOD has blessed me with.  It is amazing to see how God can work through someon and deliver a message that we need! I don't want to be a Generic chrisitian and I want to be in the right place at the right time in my heart always. A servants heart for the LORD!  Wow I am blessed. I am actually paying for it today because I  am down today. Did to much yesterday! It takes a while to get over this surgery. Ok I am going to start linking some projects I wish to do as soon as I am able to do so. Can't wait til I can get started. Here is one I want to do as soon as I can. Well here it is. It looks so easy!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pick Me! Pick Me!

I just entered a chance to win a Oreck Vaccum clean over at Southern Hospitality. Love her blog. If you get a chance hop on over and take look. I have so many creative ideas bottled up inside that I want to get started but actually don't know where to start. I guess my first project is going to be to paint my laminate counter tops.  I will be sure and post before during and after pictures. I am so excited to get started!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Well I am still here!

Wow it has been almost 8 months since I last post. Things have been a little crazy. Well I am going a little stir crazy. I had surgery a week and a half ago and can't do anything but sit here! Well my husband is loving it cause I am making a list of projects to do looking over everyones blogs. Love it! But all kiding a side I am trying to use this time to just seek God and see what He has in store for me. I know he has a calling for my life and just want to slow down enough to seek Him out.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Wow... It has been over a year since I posted. The last post was with nervousness and anxiousness to get the day over. It was the day before my husband went into surgery. Which was to be 3 hours and home the next day.... WELL not knowing there were other plans that would really make us depend and rely totally on God and the prayers of HIS people! We do not understand sometimes why we have to face and go through things sometimes... but Job did not understand either... Here he was a man that served and loved the Lord with all his might and went through unbelievable trials... I had to keep remembering that while I was so helpless and could only show love to the wonderful man that God chose for me! This has been one of the hardest times I think we have faced together! I thank God for walking no carrying us through a very difficult time! But he gets all the glory! We are ready to face our next step in this journey so we can move on and be about HIS business.... He has a plan... even if we do not quit know what that is right now... but, in HIS time he will reveal...We do not know what we would have done and do withouth our family's our christian friends and church family. I do not understand how someone can go through ordeals such as this without the Love of God and his people to help you through! It is impossible... satan just thought he would keep us down.... there was scripture that friends sent to us daily.... The night in ICU when I was struggling and didn't quite know what to think this scripture was layed before me when I opened my bible in the waiting room that night.... Exactly what our retreat was on that no matter what we face or go through we have to have the glow that Moses had coming down that moutain so others could see that he was in the presence of our Holy God. Then when I would get to go in and see my sweet husband my heart would ache and the tears would fill my eyes.... that he was struggling and didn't understand what was going on... This scripture I would speak everytime I went into his room... Psalms 91:14-16. This has been my comfort to make it through.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Prasing God Through a Storm!

It is hard to love someone with everything you are and have to see them go through something beyond our control. But we know that God is in control and I place my trust in HIM. I know there are times we don't understand but know there is a reason for everything and one day He will show us. We see God's hand in everything the past 3 months to catch this cancer before it goes any further. We know that God has great plans for us and he will reveal it in his time! We will continue to serve and like Job never loose our faith! Thank you Lord for loving us enough to send your only Son before we were even born. We have an awesome and mighty God. I ask that you pray for my husband and our family. My husband is scheduled for surgery tomorrow at 7 am. Please pray that the physicians allow God to work through them and he has a speedy recovery.

Friday, April 16, 2010

What an Awesome WEEK!

We just returned from an amazing week of seeing GOD work through us on our mission trip. Satan attacked in everyway possible to try and tear us down from the time we arrived! We went to Wa-Floy Mountain Village in Gatlinburg Tennessee. We have been going to this camp for 10 or 12 years! We have seen God's amazing hand in so many lives that have been changed at this camp. Mr. & Mrs. Bell had a vision to buy this land and create a christian camp where students could go and leave the distractions of the world behind to draw close to the LORD! Mrs. Bell passed away at 98 yrs old and her grandson and granddaughter are trying to keep this vision going! If you could only imagine how overwhelming this is at times. satan attacks them in many ways. The facilities demand great up keep which also cost money. The dear people are trying to keep the vision that God laid upon their Grandparents hearts many year ago going. This past retreat in December the Lord laid upon on our heart why to we go other places to do mission work when we utilize facilities that needed mission work right under our noses. We went to Wa-Floy Mountain Village this week on a mission trip to do needed work to the Lodge in which we stay. God has and is going to do amazing things there. We raised money through a golf tournament and sales to purchase supplies needed to do the updates. Some men and women in our church along with 25 youth went and did amazing work. Don't think that we didn't get satan on the war path because of what we were going to do. We had two of our chaperone's fall off ladders which could have been serious but God's hand was upon what we were doing there and protected them from what could have been very bad. My precious husband was struck with a kidney stone which he has never had and went to the ER. Please pray for him cause he is still battling it as we speak. He is and awesome man of God with tremendous faith! Please pray hard that God will protect him against the attacks that satan is throwing our way. This week we were able to do the unthinkable. You would not believe the Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Bell were a blessing to be around. We look forward to going back in June for our summer retreat! I praise God what He has done and what HE is going to do! Thank you LORD!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Washington At Its Best

I just have to tell you there is nothing better than going on a trip with your entire family and being able to just be together! We were blessed to get to take a trip to Washington with my husband who was attending a conference. My children were amazed at what they were seeing. Actually standing where our Presidents stood or stand at the Capitol and White House. It was an amazing trip! I will post some pictures later. If you ever have the opportunity to go I encourage it! What a blessed week!